唐小小B試過倒水入電線拖板,導致我半間屋停電! (詳見《1.5歳的破壞力》)唐小B,幾個月前衝了出馬路,路上有車,好驚險! 這只是眾多例子之一。
危險? 生了兩個男孩,完全令我對「危險」二字重新定義!!
5歳唐小B玩的時候可能懂就力,有時不還手也是出於讓細佬;但唐小小B就只懂用蠻力,常見他連環用腳狂踢哥哥的身體、甚至頭! 前幾晚,他用cushion封住哥哥的臉…還要笑!
我終於忍不住,要教哥哥「自衛術」,告訴他:「如果細佬打你的臉、你的頭;用cushion蓋住你的臉,你一定要推開他啊! 如果細力不行,就大力推開他啊! 記著!」
我想示範如何做,但我總不能拿枕頭蓋著自己兒子的臉吧? (想起就恐怖!) 於是,唯有拿兩隻馬騮毛公仔(「馬騮」真貼切),剛好一大一小,來示範「自衛術」。
示範漸漸變成親子遊戲,好好笑,但笑中有淚。有沒有媽媽,教一個親生孩子傷害另一個親生的孩子??? 這是逼於無耐啊! 我在場看管,可以減少意外,但假若我上了班呢???
有兩個女孩的媽媽,你們的生活是如何的呢? 可以讓我羡慕一下嗎?
:) I'll have 2 girls soon. Honestly, my life is a lot "less adventurous" than yours. We don't have to watch her constantly, or at all? When we have gatherings with other family with girls, they all just play peacefully together and never need any special attention from us. What I find troublesome in girl is that they're more emotional, which is actually harder to correct and teach.
回覆刪除Congrats! I noted the good news from FB earlier. My friends who have girls also said that girls are more emotional. Sometimes I think how great we don't get to choos the gender of our babies, take it or leave it, saves a lot of struggles!
刪除Hahaa.. i know exactly how it feels, I have 2 boys aged 5 & 3. But to see them playing and talking to each other, is one of the most wonderful moments in my life.
回覆刪除I know what you mean, for I feel happy seeing them everyday. Just sometimes I wish I can spend more time enjoying, than worrying one of them injures the other.
刪除一個仔也弄到我疲於奔命了。如果再生多個仔,我相信我需要日日飲RED BULL先頂到他無窮無盡的精力!
回覆刪除有些男孩比較靜, 只是我生的都是典型男孩....
辛苦但仍幸福的,加油呀 ~~